Friday, September 24, 2010

Mid-September To do List

It is time, if not past time to fertilize your citrus trees and to cut back your roses by one-third.
If you need any help, we are only a phone call (520.733.3359) or email away!!

If you see any 'ickky' bird droppings on your citrus leaves, these are actually caterpillars that turn into great Swallowtail butterflies! You can pick them off or leave them if you do not have too many. They will chomp on the leaves but again, if not an infestation, I leave them alone. 

Fertilize your citrus this month - newly planted trees do not need fertilizer the first 1-2 years. You can use Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Phosphate or Citrus Food fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer need per year depends on the age, the size, and the type of tree. Read the instructions on the package for more information.
As temps cool down, reduce your irrigation

  • Mid-September, remove the top 1/3 of your roses and dead canes and clean up all the dead/fallen leaves and debris.
  • Keep up your watering schedule especially if it stays hot.
  • If the weather continues to be hot, only apply organic fertilizer like Max Magic Mix, Mills Magic Mix. Hickman's compost etc. or a half strength liquid fertilizer.
  • When it starts to cool down at least at night (temps in the 60’s,) apply full strength fertilizer.  At the same time, give your roses their fall dose of Epsom Salts. Use one half cup per standard rose bush and ¼ cup per miniature rose bush.
  • Don't try to jump start your roses by giving them a big boost of fertilizer when it is still over 90 degrees.
  • Water your roses well before and after fertilizing.
  • Unless you have a bad case of bugs or mildew, don't start weekly spraying for pests and mildew until early October. Spider mites are still a possibility, so continue to blast your roses with your water wand two or three times a week.

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